Category: Thoughts and Stuff
Some miscellaneous things that I don’t have a category for . I don’t like to use the “uncategorized” label. LOL!
Ending a 3 Day Water Fast
I began this fast to get myself realigned, focused and back on track with my healthy eating habits and mindset….
I Must Water Fast Now!
Whenever I have those times in my life when I must get things under control. When I’m having moments when…
Not Just About Food and Good Health
When I started this blog, my intentions were to get the word out about my nutritional habits and physical health…
Your Words Have Power
Recently, I received an email from a contact who had viewed my Squatty Potty Youtube video. This person had noticed…
Take Action Be In Good Health
Does God (Yahweh) Want Us to Be Sick? Some may wonder why many us who believe in a God that…
Are School Vaccinations Really Needed?
All our lives we’ve been told of the importance of receiving vaccinations against many dangerous viruses. However, is it possible…
Go Live Pure…The Beginning of My Transformation
Go Live Pure…The Beginning of My Transformation My life in the past year and a half has been a complete…