Continue Reading Take Action Be In Good Health

Take Action Be In Good Health

Does God (Yahweh) Want Us to Be Sick? Some may wonder why many us who believe in a God that…

do vaccinations work
Continue Reading Are School Vaccinations Really Needed?

Are School Vaccinations Really Needed?

All our lives we’ve been told of the importance of receiving vaccinations against many dangerous viruses. However, is it possible…

lemon water and health
Continue Reading 7 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

7 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

 LEMONS I believe the road to better health is found in consuming natural vitamins, minerals and whole foods. Known for…

Continue Reading My New Organic All-Natural Snack Bar Favorite

My New Organic All-Natural Snack Bar Favorite

My New (Current) Organic All-Natural Snack Bar Favorite Once upon I time, I loved Larabar’s above and beyond any other…

sunlight through trees (
Continue Reading Did You Know Experiencing Nature Benefits Your Health?

Did You Know Experiencing Nature Benefits Your Health?

My Creator has given me a mighty blessing in the natural surroundings He’s given me.  The trees, grass, streams of water and…

Continue Reading The Secret to Excellent Health?…Keep the Bowels Clean

The Secret to Excellent Health?…Keep the Bowels Clean

Keep the Bowels Clean! I believe the proper maintenance of the bowels is at the apex of optimum health.  My…

slim-teak-squatty-potty -go live pure
Continue Reading My Squatty Potty Review

My Squatty Potty Review

What is a Squatty Potty? The Squatty Potty is a custom made stool that neatly fits underneath your toilet seat providing…

My Eating Wasn’t Very Good…Ughhhh!

Sometimes it just happens.  I want to resist, yet I fall to temptation.  This past weekend I worked at conference…

Got gas street skater biker hip-hop
Continue Reading Foods that Give You Gas

Foods that Give You Gas

Got gas? Ever loudly passed gas when you least expected it. You might want to monitor the foods you’re eating…

Continue Reading In the Woods: What was Revealed to Me Today?

In the Woods: What was Revealed to Me Today?

You never know what you will learn if you allow yourself to be open to the many ways we can…