Amazing Grass Green Superfood Review: What I Disliked What I Liked.

Amazing Grass Green Superfood Powder Review

My guess is you stumbled upon my blog while you were google searching for information on the best super food green powders or specifically looking for info on Amazing Grass Green Superfood.  Or, maybe not…LOL!

As a service to you, I’ll do my best in this review to give you detailed info about Amazing Grass Green Superfood and my experience with it.

How Did I Discover Amazing Grass Green Superfood Powder?

While on Amazon researching some green grass powders, Amazing Grass Green Powder popped into my feed.

For some reason, it perked my interest.

I checked out the ingredients….they mostly suited my criteria.

I read a few reviews,  starting with the one stars first then on up to the five stars.  I like to do that to get a good feel of what people like and dislike.

Most of the dislikes had to do with taste, complaining that it had an “earthy taste”…”taste too much like grass” (Duhh!..It’s grass!).

But taste isn’t a quality thing in my opinion but more of a preference for each individual.

By far, the 5 stars prevailed with most being happy with the ingredients and nutritional content with not so much concern with taste.  Yet, many of the 5 stars loved the taste.

So after digesting this information,  I decided to order a container of Amazing Grass Green Superfood to decide for myself about the taste, ingredients and overall quality.


What is Amazing Grass Green Superfood Powder?

A blend of fresh green grasses and microalgae along with some fruits, veggies and probiotics added, Amazing Grass Green Superfood is a nutritionally enriched green powder giving an energy lift that also promotes better overall health.

I purchased the 8.5 oz (240g) size with 30 servings (8 grams each) in 8 ounces of water, juice or smoothie.

Containing several essential vitamins and minerals, with the greatest percentage being Vitamins A, K and C,  Amazing Grass Green Superfood’s has adequate nutritional content comparable to other green superfood powders.

Amazing Grass Green Superfood is:

  • Certified organic by CCOF (California Certified Organic Farmers)
  • All-Natural
  • Sugar Free
  • Non-GMO
  • Gluten Free
  • Plant-Based
  • Kosher
  • Vegan

Amazing Grass Green Superfood meets many of the criteria of a lot of health food consumers such as myself.

For my gluten-free friends,  Amazing Grass Green Superfood is winner…

Amazing Grass Green Superfood Ingredients Include the Following:

Green Food Blend:
Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Barley Grass, Organci Alfalfa, Organic Spinach, Organic Spirulina, Organic Chlorella (cracked cell wall), Organic Broccoli

Antioxidant Blend:
Organic Rose Hips, Organic Pineapple, Organic Carrot, Acerola Cherry Extract, Green Tea Extract, Organic Acai, Organic Beet, Raspberry, Organic Maca

EFA Fiber Blend:
Organic Flax Seed, Apple Pectin

Digestive Enzyme & Active Culture Pre/Probiotic Blend:
F.O.S (Fructooligosaccharide from Chicory Root) and Probiotic Enzyme Blend [Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Protease (Spergillus oryzae), Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae), Lipase (Aspergillus niger), Lactase (Aspergillus oryzae) Cellulase (Trichoderma reesei)]

Also Contains:
Peppermint and Silica


Receiving My Amazing Grass Green Superfood Powder

When the container arrived, it was smaller than I expected.

Duhhh!  I didn’t realize I had ordered the 8.5 oz container instead of the 28.2 oz…LOL!

I unpackaged the contents, got out my shaker bottle, poured in some spring water, opened the container, filled the scoop, tossed it in my cup, shook it up, lifted it to my mouth and experienced Amazing Grass Green Superfood for the very first time.


The Disappointment I Experienced With Amazing Grass Green Superfood 

  1. I expected more daily percentage of  Vitamin A and Potassium.  Maybe my expectations were too high.  However, Amazing Green Grass Superfood is still packed with nutrition.  Far superior to eating junk food; however not as high as some other high quality superfood green powders.
    Amount Per Serving% Daily Value
    Calories from Fat0
    Total Carbohydrate 4 g1%
    Dietary Fiber 2 g8%
    Protein2 g
    Vitamin A (as beta carotene)1,250 IU25%
    Vitamin C34 mg57%
    Vitamin K70 mcg88%
    Calcium52 mg5%
    Iron1.5 mg8%
    Sodium30 mg1%
    Potassium175 mg5%
  2. I also desired a more earthy dirt taste.  Yep!..That’s right, I said “earthy and dirty.”
    I guess it’s from eating dirt when I was a kid…LOL!.   Yet, like I previously stated, the hint of peppermint pleasantly persuaded me into a new way of experiencing my dirt…😉

What I Liked About Amazing Grass Green Superfood!

1. Great Tasting!
To my surprise, it had a very light flavor and consistency with a refreshing aftertaste.

My wife standing nearby asked, “How is it?”

I responded, “Wow! Very pleasant.”

I didn’t expect the refreshing taste.

Upon rechecking the ingredients, to my surprise, I had overlooked the Peppermint that was listed in the “Other ingredients” category.

No disappointment.  Just unexpected.

I’m not sure I would have ordered it if I had noticed the peppermint.

Yet, in some strange twist of fate, I’m glad I missed it.  I happen to like the hint of peppermint refreshment.

It gives me a bit of pep and also masks the green earthy taste that may be unpleasant to the palate for some.

In my opinion, Amazing Grass Green Superfood is one of the best tasting green powders I’ve experienced thus far.

2. Easy to Mix
Amazing Grass Green Superfood also mixes well.

What I’m saying is, when you shake or stir, it doesn’t clump as much as other green powders I’ve used in the past.

As a test, in a 8 oz glass of water with one scoop of Amazing Grass Green Superfood, I stirred several seconds with gentle effort completely dissolving the clumps with ease.

No shaker bottle required.


My Final Thoughts

Like I previously stated ,  Amazing Grass Green Superfood has a very light reviving taste.

I don’t know your taste requirements but I believe “tasting good” is based on personal preference.”

If you like “earthy like dirt” taste, this might not be your choice.

However what is “earthy like dirt” to you?  Hmm?

And what is tasty to you?

If you desire what I consider great tasting, you’ve found it in Amazing Grass Green Superfood.

What the heck?!  Why am going on about taste?

That may be of no concern to you at all…LOL!

For me, I just like GREEN!

Green foods are so enlivening to the body.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Amazing Grass Green Superfood has aided in calming my gut.  Probably due to it’s additional probiotic content.

To sum it up, my experience with Amazing Grass Green Superfood has been GOOD!  👍



I hope this review has been amazingly helpful to you.

Please leave questions or comments below.

Be Your Best and Be Blessed,
Go Live Pure


Author: Allen C. Williams, Jr.

Husband, father, grandfather, child of God who has discovered the amazing healing power of nutrient-dense food for the for the for the spirit.

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