When I started this blog, my intentions were to get the word out about my nutritional habits and physical health being transformed from bad to much better. I say that with a smile. Why? Because I’m still learning with hiccups along the way. With doubts, fears, inconsistency and ignorance.
My journey is also not just about the physical nature of nutrition and good health. This journey includes a spiritual aspect of purity. To “Go Live Pure”, for me, is a state of mind. Because purity may have many different meanings to many, I will state how I define “purity”, or should I say, what is my foundation for the definition of “purity.”
Understand that I am a believer in the God of the Bible. I believe this book to be a revelation of the Creator of all things, who is knowledge, love, truth, justice and life. All these things originate from this source. So for me the understanding of “what is purity” will be derived from this source.
Please, if possible for you, keep an open-mind about who I am. My way of looking at the God of the Bible and His Messiah, is quite different from mainstream or the traditional thought. Check out my blog at Faithfulinhim.com to learn more about my views.
As far as this blog is concerned, Go Live Pure is about my pursuit of excellent nutritional, health and spiritual enriching habits. It’s about me sharing this experience with others; hopefully providing encouragement along the way. It’s about my belief that what we do in the natural (physical) affects what we obtain from the spiritual.. It’s not meant to be preachy or judgemental; however, it will be honest, truthful, forthright and faithful to what and to whom I believe in.
Much love and blessings to you all,
Allen C. Williams Jr.