Why Do I Do Coffee Enemas?
The following is my personal testimony of answering the question, “Does the Coffee Enema Work?
Since 2011, I’ve been routinely performing coffee enemas.
Back then, I had some digestive issues causing me great discomfort:
- A constant bubbling and churning centered just below my sternum.
- A feeling like something was constantly stuck in my throat, I would cough believing it was phlegm but it didn’t help.
- Not able to sleep at night because as soon as I lie down, my abdomen area would jump around all night.
- Ongoing systemic candida (overgrowth of yeast) issue.
At that time, my earnest desire was to find an alternative way to heal myself versus seeing my doctor.
I began inquiring to God, asking, “What should I do? You can tell me.”
“Fast” was the first word I heard. I continued to pray soon hearing a question, “What are you eating?”
So I immediately researched fasting. Did some fasts. Started feeling better. I started new a diet, eating more fresh organic fruits and veggies.
Having introduced the new diet and fasting, a healthier me began to emerge.
However, within me I felt more health improvement methods were available, so I continued to research various healing modalities.
How I Discovered Coffee Enemas?
Encountering many seemingly sensible ways to improve my health, I also found some that , to me, were very strange. The coffee enema one of them. Immediate acceptance was not my first reaction.
It happened a bit like this, “Hahahah….coffee enema! This has to be a joke. Who’s going to put coffee up their butt? Not me!….LOL!”
My reseached revealed a common theme among most naturopathic and alternative medicine folks that the body is full of toxins which inhibit the body’s ability to heal itself. We have almost no way of avoiding these toxins.
The most effective way to increase the body’s natural ability to heal itself, is the removal or reduction of toxins within the body.
And the coffee enema appeared to be one of the common methods among alternative health practitioners.
In addition, during my research, I encountered an article about Dr. Gerson.
Dr. Gerson is the pioneer in the resurgence of the use of coffee enemas for detoxification.
One of the most popular methods for healing with coffee enemas is directed by the Gerson Institute.
Also according to researchers, the ancient Egyptians and Romans used similar protocols for detoxifying and healing the body.
After reading hundreds of testimonies and information , I weighed the pros and cons. I decided,
I found the S.A. Wilsons website, a top-rated company that specializes in coffee enema supplies. Next, I ordered my enema coffee and supplies.
In a few days my stuff arrived, so I immediately read the instructions ready to begin my coffee enema journey. A journey that still goes on to this day.
The coffee was not at all what I expected to see. It had a lighter color. They call it their s.a. Wilson’s Gold Roast
It also smelled different from the reqular coffee you drink.
BTW….This is not drinking coffee but unique therapeutic enema coffee.
Yet, you may use regular coffee. Just make sure it’s caffeinated and organic to lessen the chance of toxins being present.
Once the coffee was brewed and cooled. I eagerly set-up for the enema.
This was a totally new experience for me. One thing I didn’t expect was the uncomfortable feeling of sticking that tube into my butt. It just felt wrong…LOL!
So once inside, I did not hold the coffee enema as long as prescribed. I almost blew coffee all over the bathroom.
For about 5 minutes, I thought I was going to burst my rectum before I jumped to the toilet and let it release.
However, even though it was only 5 minutes, I noticed my insides for the first time had actually completely settled down.
The fasting and new eating habits had already helped to alleviate my issues. But this new coffee enema thing had completely stopped the annoying gurgling within almost instantly.
Also, I felt renewed energy. Yet, that could have been the result of directly injecting coffee into colon…LOL!
How Does the Coffee Enema Work?
Through the coffee enema, the caffeine is taken into the lower “S” part of the colon called the Sigmoid colon.
By the time stool enters this part of the colon, all nutrients have been previously absorb yet toxins still remain.
There is a unique circulatory system connecting the liver and sigmoid colon called the enterohepatic circulation. It sends toxins directly to the liver to be eliminated from the body instead of circulating it throughout your body.
Caffeine in the coffee encourages the release of glutathione S-transferase which aids the liver in ridding the body of toxins. The caffeine in the coffee enema increases the speed at which you liver cleanses the blood.
Coffee Enema Benefits:
- increases energy
- strengthens your immune system
- helps relieve candida overgrowth (yeast overgrowth)
- cancer treatment
- treats autoimmune diseases
- relieves depression
- removes parasites from the digestive tract
- rids the body of heavy metals
What intrigued me most, were the claims of coffee enemas healing cancer patients and relieving candida overgrowth. Didn’t want cancer and I desperately desired to banish the candida issue.
And cancer, well it’s cancer. Anything that claims to treat cancer, catches my attention.
So, Does the Coffee Enema Really Work?
After regularly doing coffee enemas since 2011, these are my observations:
- Relieved my discomfort? Yes! The pain in the center of my abdomen is completely gone.
- Help to quickly remove toxins?. Yes! Especially in my liver, gallbladder and lower intestines.
- Given an increase in energy? Yes!
- Relieved my candida? Inconclusive. The combination of water fasting and drastic reduction in sugar intake may have also contributed. To what degree, I do not know.
- Boosted my immune system? I really have no way of knowing. However, I have not had any major illnesses since doing coffee enema’s except minor sinus complications. The only moments I feel sick are when I don’t eat well. Doing a coffee enema seems to help set things straight.
- Removed parasites? Well, I don’t know. No test have been done to determine.
- Relieved depression? Not relevant for me. I wasn’t depressed.
- Treat autoimmune disease? Again, not relevant for me.
So, based on my personal experience….YES! The coffee enema works!
Thus far, I’m extremely satisfied with the results of coffee enemas playing their part in detoxifying my body (specifically my liver) and improvement in my overall health.
If you have any questions or comments, please say so below.
Thanks for reading. Hope it was helpful.
Be Your Best and Be Blessed,
Watch the video.
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